Configure Two-Factor Authentication for WHM/cPanel

Configure Two-Factor Authentication for WHM or cPanel

Even if you still have a handy password for your account, you still want account to be as safe as possible. Two Factor Authentication gives you an additional layer of security when accessing your cPanel/WHM account. In this guide we will discuss how to setup, configure, and use two step authentication options within the Web … Read more

How to Add Two-Factor Authentication in WordPress

Wordpress Two-Factor authentication plugins

Have you noticed that sites like Facebook and Google now give you the ability to add two-factor authentication to enhance security? Well now you can add to two-factor authentication to your WordPress site. This ensures maximum security for your WordPress site. In this article, we will show you how to add two-factor authentication to the … Read more

Howto Configure CSF with cPanel server

Configure CSF with cPanel

What Is Configserver Security And Firewall (CSF) ? CSF is commonly used firewall that provides a good level of protection with easy to manage commands. It is used for Login/Intrusion detection, SSH login notification, Excessive connection blocking, Suspicious file reporting etc. In this tutorial, we will go through the Configuration of CSF in cPanel server … Read more

Install CSF firewall on cPanel server

csf firewall

Config Server Firewall (CSF) is a firewall that provides a good level of protection with easy of managing commands. From list of security plugins available, this is the widely used security tool that can protect Linux server against attacks like brute force,malware attacks, phishing etc..This is a free plugin and have well developed interface for … Read more

Install cPanel and cPGuard to CentOS 7.x


This tutorial we installing cPanel server with cPGuard plugin. First need fresh minimal install of CentOS. Installation Requirements Minimum of 1 GB RAM (but 2 GB recommended). At least 20GB of free disk space (but 40 GB recommended). A valid cPanel license. Standard hostname (FQDN or Fully Qualified Domain Name) Perl Please note: Once you … Read more

Uninstall CSF Firewall

csf firewall

Installation and Removing of CSF and LFD is even more simple. Along with installation CSF provides uninstallation script in configuration folder.You can uninstall CSF firewall by running following script from the terminal. In cPanel servers: Code: cd /etc/csf sh In DirectAdmin servers: Code: cd /etc/csf sh In No-Panel Linux servers: Code: cd /etc/csf … Read more

How to Install Nginx with ModSecurity v3.0

Nginx with ModSecurity

In this article, we are discussing about ModSecurity v3.0 and will show you how to install ModSecurity v3.0 for the Nginx web server. If you are new to ModSecurity, start by reading our article: What is ModSecurity, and why do we need it? First we can look what’s new in ModSecurity 3.0 Redesigned to work … Read more

Security Tips for SSH service


Ssh is the main tool/service used by a system administrator for doing the troubleshooting and other admin related tasks. If we have ssh root access, we can do anything on the server. So in order to keep the server secure, we need to follow some security practices related to ssh service. Since it is a … Read more

scan FTP uploaded files on cPanel Servers with ClamAV


First we need install ClamAV, it has been now been included in cPanel/WHM. ClamAV is a free and open-source, cross-platform antivirus software tool-kit able to detect many types of malicious software, including viruses. One of its main uses is on mail servers as a server-side email virus scanner. You can also install it from your … Read more

Whitelist rule with LocationMatch


Sometimes you need disable ModSecurity rules in specific url or program, because it causes false positives. This tutorial we show how you can whitelist rule or rules with apache LocationMatch directive. LocationMatch examples WordPress admin <locationmatch “/wp-(admin|login)/”> SecRuleRemoveById 150005 SecRuleRemoveById 150006 </locationmatch> phpmyadmin <locationmatch “/phpmyadmin/”> SecRuleRemoveById 150005 SecRuleRemoveById 150006 </locationmatch> Depend your server configuration, like … Read more