How to Install Nginx with ModSecurity v3.0

Nginx with ModSecurity

In this article, we are discussing about ModSecurity v3.0 and will show you how to install ModSecurity v3.0 for the Nginx web server. If you are new to ModSecurity, start by reading our article: What is ModSecurity, and why do we need it? First we can look what’s new in ModSecurity 3.0 Redesigned to work … Read more

Ban with ModSecurity HTTP or HTTPS requests 404 Response code


This tutorial we want Ban with ModSecurity IP addresses for specific time with ModSecurity that causes multiple 404 errors on the web site. Ban with ModSecurity Depend you Apache/Nginx and PHP configuration, you may use phase:1 with rule 4000 & 4002. Also you need enable SecResponseBodyAccess On to ModSecurity configuration files. SecAction “phase:2,initcol:ip=%{REMOTE_ADDR},id:’4000′,pass,nolog” SecRule RESPONSE_STATUS … Read more

SSL Certificate For free – Let’s Encrypt

Let's Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority (CA) that offers FREE SSL certificates that are just as secure as current paid certificates. The encryption within HTTPS is intended to provide benefits like confidentiality, integrity and identity. Your information remains confidential from prying eyes because only your browser and the server can decrypt the traffic. Integrity … Read more