Disable Theme and Plugin Editors from WordPress


This is a big problem, if customer using very weak password’s with default username’s like admin/administrator and etc. Even if you don’t use default username you can get it very easily. Get WordPress username https://wordpress.site/?author=1 This redirects your correct username author page and you can get easily correct username which is probably admin user. If … Read more

PHP File upload vulnerabilities


Why PHP File Upload vulnerabilities is a Major Security problem ? There are lots of Web sites, which using some kind Content Management Systems (CMS), like WordPress, Joomla and etc., where an ability upload content like text, images and so on. There is no nothing bad for this, but there are also a lot of … Read more

Google site verification – cookie based file upload

Malware details

Today we found new malware that our signatures not before detected. First look it just like Google site verification code HTML file witch have also meta tags. Also added Robots to prevent index this file google. If someone tries to access this file from the browser, it just looks normal verification code and view source … Read more

yiw_contact sendemail file upload vulnerability

Looking better POST payload, header looks normal request: In the below HTTP Post, there were 2 parameters that started with yiw. This indicates that the attacker is likely trying to explpoit the Beauty & Clean Theme File Upload WordPress Vulnerability which is literally as simple as posting your backdoor file to the contact field via … Read more

Modules Simple Spotlight Upload

Simple spotlight is a jQuery image rotator with navigation. You can have up to 20 images with links. You can turn off the navigation and choose between 27 effects for transition. It also has 5 button styles and a shadow effect. (Read More) Description Uploaded files represent a significant risk to applications. The first step … Read more